You Can Be Part of the Movement

We would love to walk alongside and support you in starting a marriage ministry, resurrecting one, or growing one you already have in place.
We are here to help you spread the word about your date nights, marriage classes, or help you network and provide marriage resources to your church.
It is our heart’s desire to help you minister to the marriages in your church, parish, counseling office, etc. - whether you are a Lead Pastor, or Lay Leader. If God has placed you in a position to work with couples, we want to be a support system for you!

We Help Marriage Leaders:
Round Tables
We have Round Tables which offer a time to hear from other marriage leaders in our area plus offer networking opportunities.
We work with a lot of Marriage Leaders - both locally and nationally. If you would like information on any type of curriculum, or marriage resources that might be valuable to you in your work, we’d be happy to talk to you about what is available.
Church leaders can do 3 things for couples:
Prepare: Prepare them for marriage with assessments, premarital counseling, and skills/tools to help them navigate the many things they will encounter as they walk through life together as a couple.
Enrich: Just because a couple is married doesn't mean they know how to communicate, nurture, or grow their relationship. Helping couples before they hit a crisis spot will strengthen their relationship and arm them with the right tools they need to handle situations before they encounter them.
Restore: Many marriages are dealing with hurtful and painful situations. You can help them deal with the hurts, as well as heal together, as a couple.
If you are interested in starting to focus more on marriages within your church and would like to talk with us - please email us at: marriageinsa@gmail.com
Where can your church help fill in the gaps?
If you know of a Pastor, Counselor, or Marriage leader in another state who might be interested in talking about starting a Marriage Initiative in their city, please refer them to our website focused on this endeavor.
In addition, we encourage you to follow our Marriage Initiative social media profiles so that you can get encouraged as a marriage leader, and hear about trainings and resources that are valuable to your role!
Adventures in Marriage (AIM)
Adventures in Marriage is internationally recognized as one of the very best relationship education programs in the field. Most couples do not know “how” to be married. They never learned the right way to build a strong marriage that will last. Instead, they grew up watching unhealthy relationships and then assumed somehow their marriage would turn out different.
AIM combines God’s vision for marriage with the latest research to provide specific, practical, attainable skills for a successful marriage.
For questions, contact SanAntonio@LivetheLife.org or call (830) 431-1216 or (830) 431-1218.
Some benefits include:
Expressing yourself clearly so your thoughts and feelings can be recognized and understood without causing your spouse to feel defensive, resentful, overwhelmed, manipulated or inadequate.
Avoiding the mind reading that often leads to misunderstandings between couples, and learning to avoid assumptions.
Recognizing when your communication style is more of a problem than the actual problem you are facing.
And more!
Upcoming Workshops